Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Cadbury chocolate ad

A new Cadbury chocolate ad called Cadbury Eyebrows has been launched recently. Again – like the Gorilla one – a simple and a brilliant idea caught my attention and won my sympathy.

It has been directed by MJZ's Tom Kuntz and art directed by Nils-Petter Lövgren. Creative directors are: Chris Bovill, John Allison and Richard Flintham (Executive Creative Director).

Pity that the chocolate itself is such insipid for me... Otherwise for sure I would buy more of them after watching this great ad!

You can watch the ad here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

That's grand!

Indigo - a hotel in London, has got a great decoration - a huge basket with plants. It measures 20ft by 10ft and it's said to be the biggest hanging basket in the world! It contains over 100 different varieties of plants and flowers what makes a really beautiful piece of garden...

Read more in Dailymail.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lunches togeter

I like these weekends when we invite friends to our place to prepare and celebrate some nice food.

This time we decided to go for a see food and we served pasta with salmon cooked in vodka and cream AND - attraction of the day - Irish lobsters.

The food and atmosphere as usually were lovely, so thanks again to everybody who joined us :)
Special thanks to our very young and very cute guest - 3 weeks old Franek - I hope he enjoyed his first "party" too :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My favourite worlds of illustration

For sure many creators (to not use word "artists") meet a day when they find that somebody else had a similar idea.
When I was preparing my diploma works for Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland, I had an idea for a mysterious illustration. As I was very busy at that moment I decided to leave it for later. It was in 2003. A while ago I came back to it and made a quick sketch - to not forget again, but... it disappeared under a pile of dozens other sketches, notes and more important projects - these waiting for clients' feedbacks.

And one day, quite recently, I've accidentaly found a website of a great Swedish illustrator Alexander Jansson. He has already done this illustration... Well - there are at least two good things about it - it has been done in 2008, so 5 years after I thought about it for the first time (but who knows how long Alexander waited to complete it ;), and second - it's stunning! I'm sure that much better than if I had done it :) Great stuff Alexander, I've became your fan!

Alexander's works are very similar to Alan Clarke's - an Irish illustrator from Dublin. They both explore a world of mistery, darkness and fairy tales. They even use similar techniques. It's great that thanks to them we can come back to our childhood dreams and favorite worlds of imagination.

Updated website

A few days ago I've managed to make some modifications on my website - I've made it as easy to navigate as possible. Feel invited to visit it:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Swinging moods during winter time? You too?
Look at the charming chairs I've found on flickr yesterday :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Look at this chocolate mandala from a shop in Berlin and imagine its smell... Would you prefer to eat it or just look at it? ;) I would consume it quite quickly and admired the photo ;))

Free Hugs!

This Year's Eve I spent in Berlin. It was cold and a little snowy so randomly met in U-Bahn stations Free Hug givers were a nice and warm surprise :)

The Free Hugs Campaign is an international kindness initiative that has spread to over 80 countries around the world! I wish one day we didn't need such campaigns... In the meantime – just enjoy and share hugs!

Read more at the official site of the Free Hug Campaign and in Wikipedia.