Well, 1/3 of the month is already behind us... It's not a typical January for Ireland as we had some nice snow (such a lovely contrast for the dull grey and hated rain!) which... paralysed the country. It's quite funny for me, Polish, to read things like "due to the recent heavy snowfall there is a serious disruption to most services (...)" - I'm not sure if there was more than 2cm of snow at this time! But the roads, indeed, were frozen so I had to give my bike a long break and now, after 2 weeks, I really miss cycling. Hopefully in few minutes I'll be able to cycle home as the roads look pretty save now.

It's so grey and dark outside that I really miss sun again. I quite regret now that I didn't go anywhere for the Christmas holidays but at that time I was quite sick of traveling (I was flying app. 20 times in 2009). I'd love to fly to South Africa now but, because of some reasons, I can't go there before 2011. So maybe LA - to visit my friend...
Any warm ideas?I should mention a very significant Polish charity event too - WOSP (Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity) which was going on yesterday - in Poland and few other places around the world. My Polish friends organised it in Dublin and hopefully we got a nice sum of money for the kids with cancer. There was an auction of artwork, WOSP souvenirs, Polish ambassador's tie, Leszek Mozdzer album's and many more. Centre for Creative Practices gave us space for artwork's exhibiting and some of the artist managed to sell their artwork (including me :)
We could listen to a few music bands, enjoy Polish food and conversation with loads of friends (it was really crowdy in the Living Room pub!). It's so good to have events like this in such a miserable winter time. Well done galls and guys! Sie ma!