Try to scan the codes and see where they will take you. They are different!
If you want to have something similar (I'm sure you do!) all you need is a QR codes generator - for example this one: http://www.racoindustries.com/barcodegenerator/2d/qr-code.aspx
and a graphic design software; I used Photoshop.
Generate your code in few simple steps; type your site's address (including http://), choose v.6 as the code's version, error correction 30& and the module's size - I picked 0.1 inch.
Now you have to figure out what picture you want to have embedded in the code; it doesn't need to be either black & white or pixelated - it all depends on you :) Feel free to use a full resolution holiday picture if it fits your concept.
While scanning QR codes there's always a margin for mistakes - that's why we can play around with our codes but we have to stay away from the corners. The safe area is in the middle and because I chose 30% for the error correction I had quite a big field to maneuver. There's a way to calculate how many pixels can be changed but I wasn't going to be that precise - I found it easier just to cover the middle of the code with a mask (white square), scan it and see if it works. It did, so I started filling my safe area with the chosen picture. If it doesn't scan, you have to reduce your mask until it works. As simple as that.

Do you need any help with your designs? My design studio AGRAND will be happy to assist you :) Just call (+353) 1 881 8802 or email agrand@agrand.ie
Aga Grandowicz
Art Director and Creative Graphic Designer

AGRAND 2-5 Wellington Quay, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
T: (+353) 1 881 8802
M: (+353) 085 715 3449
E: agrand@agrand.ie
W: www.agrand.ie
1 comment:
I never would have thought of this, thank you.
David, NYC
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